Bridging Visas

Bridging Visas A, B, C, D, E & F


Who can apply for a bridging visa?

You must be in Australia to apply for a bridging visa. Bridging visas allow you to stay in Australia until your application for a new substantive visa is decided. Each Bridging visa have their own conditions as to whether you will be permitted to travel to and from Australia, work while in Australia or apply for further visas in Australia.


Bridging Visa Classes:

There are currently seven Bridging visa (BV) classes:

Class    Subclasses

WA – Bridging A (BVA)           010 – Bridging A

WB – Bridging B (BVB)           020 – Bridging B

WC – Bridging C (BVC)           030 – Bridging C

WD – Bridging D (BVD)           040 – Bridging (Prospective Applicant)041 – Bridging (Non-applicant)

WE – Bridging E (BVE)            050 – Bridging (General)051 – Bridging (Protection Visa Applicant)

WF – Bridging F (BVF) 060 – Bridging F

Purpose of the Bridging visa program:

The overall purpose of the Bridging visa program is to provide lawful status in Australia to non-citizens who:

  • have made (or intend to make) in Australia applications for substantive visas that have not been finally determined (BVA, BVB, BVC, BVD(040), BVE(050 and 051)) or
  • have applied for judicial review of a decision to refuse a substantive visa application (BVA, BVB, BVC, BVE) or
  • are unlawful non-citizens who do not wish to, or are unable to apply for substantive visas (BVD(041)) or
  • have substantial reasons for leaving and entering Australia during the processing of their substantive visa/judicial review application (BVB) or
  • are suspected victims of human trafficking (BVF) or
  • are making arrangements to leave Australia (BVE(050)) or
  • are applying for a BVE(050) on the basis of:
  • judicial review of a decision other than refusal of a visa application or
  • revocation or review of a cancellation decision or
  • review of a decision under the Australian Citizenship Act 1948 or the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 or
  • ministerial intervention under s345, s351, s391, s417 or s454 of the Act or
  • a determination under s48B of the Act or a declaration that the Act does not apply to them or
  • are unlawful non-citizens and in criminal detention (BVE(050)).

Note: Although they are visas under the Act and, generally, can be granted only if the relevant criteria at Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 of the Regulations are satisfied, Bridging visas are not ‘substantive visas’ – Bridging are meant to remain in Australia on lawful status

Except as described below, a Bridging visa is a visa to remain in Australia and does not allow the holder to travel to and enter Australia. The exceptions are:

  • a BVB allows the holder to travel to and enter Australia during a specified period (the travel facility period) or until the BVB ceases to be in effect
  • a BVF granted to a non-citizen who is outside Australia allows the holder to travel to and enter Australia on one occasion until a specified date.

A person who holds a Bridging visa is not prevented from applying for a visa of another class. The grant of such a visa is also not affected.

However, Schedule 1 provisions in respect of certain Employer Nominated, Business Skills and General Skilled Migration visa classes provide that, in certain specified circumstances, a person who is in Australia and who does not hold a substantive visa must hold a BVA or a BVB or a BVC in order to make a valid application – for example:

  • Skilled (Residence) (Class VB)
  • Skilled (Provisional) (Class VC)
  • Skilled – Independent (Permanent) (Class SI)
  • Skilled – Nominated (Permanent) (Class SN)
  • Skilled – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) (Class SP)
  • Business Talent (Class EA)
  • Business Skills (Provisional) (Class EB)
  • Business Skills (Class EC)
  • Employer Nomination (Class EN)
  • Regional Employer Nomination (Class RN)

We have come across that many visitors and temporary visa holders though are eligible to apply for further visa in Australia do not obtain initial consultation and become unlawful in Australia. Unlawful non-citizen if detained by Dept. of Immigration and Citizen will be removed from Australia and may attract a ban of three years to re-enter Australia. The Best Way to avoid above situation to seek Initial Consulting from Dept. of Immigration and Citizenship or Registered Migration Agent as soon as you arrive in Australia. Bridging visa as explained above are not substantive visas and are meant only as fill in gap between applicant’s application for substantive visa/review appeal/judiciary review and will not allow applicants to stay longer in Australia after outcome of their above said applications.

Many substantive visa applicants end up in BVC with no work rights and they may eligible to apply for work permission if they take up matter with Dept. of Immigration and Citizenship. Many applicants even do not know what bridging visa they hold after lodging their substantive visa applications. Here again, the best way to have initial consulting from a registered migration agent or Dept. of Immigration and Citizenship as it will save you from awkward situation that may arise later on if you continue to live in Australia unlawful and work without permission of Dept. of Immigration and Citizenship.

Government Visa Fees (AUD)

Visa subclass Note Base application charge Non-internet application charge Additional applicant charge
18 and over
Additional applicant charge under 18
Bridging visas A,CDE, F nil N/A nil nil
Bridging visa B $140 N/A nil nil

Our processing fees vary case to case and are subject to the complexity of the case and amount of work involved. We also offer initial consultations for those who want to better understand the visa process and their options, after which we will advise of our charges if you wish to proceed with us. Consultations cost from A$100-$200 or more depending on the complexity of the case.

How BMS Global Can Help You

BMS Global can assist you in preparing and lodging your Bridging visa application by providing the following immigration services:

  • We will liaise with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection on your behalf, managing all correspondence and requests they put to us
  • We will provide advice relating to the your migration goals for your selected visa category
  • We analyse current Immigration Law relating to your nominated visa category and keep you informed of any changes to Immigration Law that will affect your application as Australian Immigration laws are complex and frequently changing and should be constantly analysed
  • We assist in the completion and checking of the relevant application forms
  • Providing advice and assistance relating to documentation required to support the application Prepare any necessary supporting submissions to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection
  • Submit or lodge your application to the relevant Assessing Authority or Department for processing as soon as possible.
  • Wherever possible, supply any further documentation or information requested by the Department on receipt of documents from the applicant.
  • Wherever possible, assist you to comply with any request made by the Department
  • Successful obtainment of bridging visa can give you the option to later apply for a permanent residency visa for Australia, and we will provide you the best possible advise for your dream to become a permanent resident of Australia

Please feel free to contact us anytime suitable to you and we can discuss with you your options and the costs involved in applying for a Bridging visa.